Here we are on time ... today I thought I'd tackle the theme of color or at least give you some little ideas.
Let's talk about elements that refer to a very relaxed, romantic mood, I like to call it gentle, precisely because that's what I love to communicate and that comes back to me by sharing this style.
From here we can imagine that the colors will be colors that convey calm and serenity, we immediately think of pastel colors in all their shades!
Pink, ancient, coral .... blue, green in shades of mint and sage, pale yellow to almost overwhelmingly switch to earthy colors. Overbearing because they are the dominant colors.
The sand, the blue, the scorched earth, the colors of the sunset.
Absolutely, in my opinion WHITE in its shades together with BEIGE is the color that masters the scene. A beige fringe refers IMMEDIATELY to the BohoChic style, the same for white pompoms!
Speaking of accessories or jewels, even inserted into clothes, bronze, gold and silver have all three doors wide open!
In contrast with turquoise and coral they create a chromatic mix that is difficult to confuse.
Bronze and turquoise
Silver and turquoise
Gold and coral
Of course, Black also finds space, especially next to gold, silver, pink and turquoise.
As you can read there is a huge range of colors but what really makes you recognize the style is the way they are combined and the shades chosen.
I hope I have made your ideas a little clearer about it and that you too will fall in love with this style more and more!
Until next time
With love